The need to modernise legacy solutions
AVONWorldwide wanted to make it easier for its employees and sales representatives to do business with them by using a simpler and leaner approach. They realised that they couldn’t grow as a company based on where they were before. Maintel was contracted to develop an Avaya AEP based IVR solution using their own in-house software development team, that provided an improved self-service account portal for AVONWorldwide’s representatives.
At that time, AVONWorldwide representatives had trouble with placing orders, they had long wait times to get through to the call centre and the IVR solution had very basic features. As a result, employees were using workaround communications tools such as Facebook Messenger, What’s App and Skype. AVONWorldwide also realised that a lot of people joined the company as a representative but didn’t stay for very long, or representatives who were registered became ‘dormant’.